Almost Done another Short Story! And why I Hate Special Relativity...

This one is a bit longer than my last handful, currently weighing in around 7,000 words. I'm pretty happy with it, although it's required me to do way more math than my usual stories.

On the plus side, I think it's a better story by the inclusion of me crunching the numbers to determine some relativistic issues. The core of the story involves a sleeper ship (cryogenics is such a neat idea!) that travels thousands and thousands of years to a world to colonize it. I needed to determine how old the ship would be if it manages a respectable 0.6c velocity.

There are still some hiccups (acceleration is the big one... my calculations currently assume that the ship just gets up to 0.6c instantly, and decelerates instantly when it arrives), but I'm going to go ahead and say it's good enough for hard sci-fi and leave it at that. If Andy Weir can have an interplanetary ship powered by magic, I can have one that speeds up and slows down really quickly!

Anyway! Going to submit it tomorrow, after I finish polishing it up today.

New short story up!

Just posted a new short story for everyone.

Of course, if you were a Patron over on Patreon, you'd have already read this story a few weeks ago... but hey, free is free, right?

Hope you folks like it! Lemme know what ya think.

I hit my Word Count Today!

First time in... months? Probably months.

But today, I hit it.

Now, let's see if I can make it 2 days in a row tomorrow...

Work Day

Today I write.

I've already finished about half of my target world-count (1,000 of my daily goal of 2,000). It's been a struggle recently, but today has been a bit better than most.

I'm going to finish off the last 1,000 words for today, and I then I think I'm going to play some guitar. I haven't touched the instrument in a few months, but I realized that I have the house to myself and I can actually kinda... crank it. So I'm going to, I think.

Wish me luck!

Mid-Way Into March!

Okay, a bit past the middle, but it's been a busy month!

The story I'm working on currently doesn't have a hard word-count limit. I'm just writing, see where it takes me, and then padding or trimming as appropriate when it's done. It's a bit more thoughtful than most of my work, and as a result I've had to consult with a few friends of mine in biology and dendrology.

Yes, I have friends in biology and dendrology at local universities. I have weird circles of friends, but they're awesome!

Today is devoted to studying and translating a few Latin terms for alien plants and fungi... hopefully the story will be done in a few days!

Thanks for reading, and I'm going to have to try harder (again!) to keep this page updating more frequently!

March into March

Well, we are now heading into Month 3 of 2017, and I've still only had a handful of rejections to my name.

This will not stand!

Lots of stuff to submit this month, though. Hopefully some of it sticks! Oh, and a new short story for free for my readers... although, of course, my Patrons have already seen it.

The perks of your support!

Anyways, hope everyone else likes it (and considers supporting me via Patreon... link right there at the top of the page).

1,000 Words

Ah, short stories. And short story formats!

Always been a weakness of mine. Still, it's good to stretch your wings, and I'm hoping it will make my long-form stories better.

The trouble is I don't *think* in 1,000 word stories. To me, 1,000 words is a snapshot. A single scene. Masters of the craft can use that one scene to tell an incredible story, one that stretches forwards and backwards from that moment of time.

Anyway. It's a struggle. But one that I'm devoting to improving! Thankfully there are a few good publishers of short-form sci-fi. Unfortunately I've had no traction with them so far... but hey, maybe some day!

Until then, back to the writing desk!


Just a quick note today to say that my short story "Articles of War" has been sent off to the Toronto Star's Short Story contest!

Phew. Should arrive tomorrow (registered mail), and then I hear back... sometime in mid-to-late April.

I Love Deadlines

I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
- Douglas Adams

Once again, my story, though done, has not been mailed. I will actually, physically, put it in the mail tomorrow, because that's starting to cut pretty close to the drop-dead date on the contest.

In my defence, only one of my beta readers has given me feedback. But I still gotta get this bad boy done. I'm proud of the story... I doubt it's winning material, but who knows? Might be, might be.

Anyway! Big spike in traffic from my post on Saturday, which was unexpected, but whatever gets eyeballs on my work is good. So hello new readers, hope you find something you like! Plenty of stuff coming down the pipes in the next week or so!

So Long MacGuffins!

Today, my writing group dissolved.
About 2 years ago I joined a group of writers that met alternating weeks at a local game cafe. The group, called "The MacGuffins", was energetic, full of interesting and motivated people, and very encouraging to new and existing members.

I did notice, however, that for a writing group, only about half of them actually wrote. But they all gave feedback, and to me, that was the important part.

Sadly, last night they decided to stop getting together. Membership had been in decline, and only one member was consistently putting up content for review. There were a laundry list of reasons, but in the end, they decided to end it.

So be it, and so it goes. There isn't really an upside to this, and I'm going to miss the heck out of their feedback. And at least one of the members (other than me!) is destined for widespread fame and fortune as a writer, so I'm sure I'll seem them around from time to time.

Anyway. Still waiting for my book to finish editing, and at least I got one more round of feedback for the short story I'm sending out Monday! So there's that, at least.

So long, MacGuffins. You'll be missed.

Done!... Sorta!

Just wanted to announce that the 2nd (better!) draft of my short story competition submission is done! It's off to a few beta readers, and on Monday I will actually mail it out after getting feedback.

I hope it's good. I think it's good!

Tomorrow... I write something for Daily Science Fiction! Wish me luck!

Rewriting Is Hell

My short story for the Toronto Star competition is going through its 3rd iteration right now. I'm happier with this version, although it's still a touch on the long side. Will have it whittled down soon, though. Must submit it next week.

In other news, not a lot! Been watching a lot of "Haikyuu", an anime about volleyball, which is interesting. It's making me think about a possibility of doing this sort of shonen-style story for something nearer and dearer (WarMachine, a miniatures game I enjoy)... but the curse of an author is always thinking about 3 other works while not finishing the one in front of you!

Anyway, that's it for me this weekend. Hope everyone is doing well!

So Much Coffee!

Yesterday, for probably the first time in my life, I had 8 cups of coffee.

It was a lot. I think I could see through space and time.

On the plus side, this meant that I got a lot of editing done! I'll be cleaning up the story a little more (still have to cut a few hundred words), then sending out to some friends for a quick beta-read, and then it heads out!

On the con side, holy smokes do I have an headache. But that's okay! That's okay.

New month, and January only saw 2 rejections, which is very, very bad. Gotta get that back up! Goal is 20 in February! Wish me luck!

Finished a Story!

Well, "finished" is being a little generous. But MOSTLY finished it. All that's needed is editing.

One of the reasons I really like short stories (as opposed to writing full novels) is that the editing process tends to be quicker. I'm not really in love with editing at the best of times, but it is a super critical part of the writing process.

I think this story has some merit. I'm going to be submitting it to the Toronto Star and their short story competition after I cut about 1,000 words and clean it up a bit. It's not the greatest thing I've ever written, but I do like it!

I plan to finish the other short story by Thursday, and then send them both off by Friday. Of course, I've said that before... but this time I mean it!

Anyway! There ya go. With all the chaos in the world right now, at least some things are moving in the right directions.

Gah! Another Week! Bad author! Bad!

I really have to get back into the habit of posting on here more than once every 7 days. It's important for you, my readers, but equally important for me as a writer.

I've also turned on Twitter sharing again (not sure how it turned off... gonna have to look into that!), so hopefully this will signal boost a bit.

Hello! I'm writing. Things are going okay!
My short story that I want to submit to the Toronto Star's Short Story Contest is coming along pretty well. As is tradition for me, it's a touch on the long side right now (3,200 words or so, and the competition is for 2,500), but I can edit that down during the revision stage.

Still haven't finished my sentient-planet story, but it is circling a conclusion. Again, a touch on the long side, but only a touch, and I think it might actually be pretty good. Good enough to submit to Asimov's, I don't know, but pretty good at least. Time will tell.

Anyway! I'm off to paint a little bit and then write a lot! Hope everyone out there is doing well! Keep at your goals, folks. Only way you'll get better!


A Full Week!

It's been 7 days since I got my last rejection... which, in itself, not necessarily a bad thing, is combined with one other factor to become a bad thing.

Specifically, I haven't submitted anything in that week.

This is bad. The lifeblood of an author is our ability to produce *and submit* work to various publications. I need to be keeping up to submitting at least a dozen works per month, and that means I can't just have a week with nothing going out.

So today I'm redoubling my efforts to FINISH SOMETHING. I have a lot of half-starts and ideas, but few actually getting out the door. Today I finish writing one of them, tomorrow I edit and send it out.

That is all! More news tomorrow when I send the story out!

Rejection Number 2!

Just a quick note today. After waiting four and a half months, I finally got a rejection from Asimov's. Took their sweet time about it.

This is the 2nd rejection I've received in 2017 (98 more to go!), but it presents me with a problem. I have a bunch of stories I feel are strong contenders for Asimov's... the right "style", strong stories, et al. But now... if I know it's going to take 4-5 months to get a response... do I want to send a "good" story? Or do I wait for a *perfect* story, since I can't send another while I wait for the response from the first?!

Sigh. I will probably send one to them immediately (as in, tomorrow), and then try to perfect the next one while I wait.

But anyway! Progress. And while 1 rejection every 5 days is good... gotta get 'em faster. Which means submitting more strong stories, which means WRITING more strong stories, which I am going to do right now!

First Rejection of 2017. 99 More to Go!

I think I've mentioned it in passing, but one of my many literary goals for 2017 is to collect 100 rejections.

Last night, around 1am (so, technically, early this morning) I received my first official rejection for 2017. It was from Daily Science-Fiction, which I suspect will be one of MANY submissions that they reject this year.

However, that means I'm getting 1 rejection every 7 days right now, and that's far too slow. I need to be submitting something approximately every 3 days, so I'm going to send out 2 submissions in the next 3 days to "catch up" a bit. I have a few new markets that have opened up recently that I'm going to send stories off to, and we'll see what happens!

Finishing Up a Short Story Today!

This one is heading off to Asimov's, if they ever get around to giving me a response on my last submission. Then, since I have the time today, I'm going to try and crank out a few rough drafts for other markets... there are a few dozen short story sci-fi publishing places, and I've been focused on only 5 of them so far. Gotta broaden the net.

Anyway! We'll see how things go... going to be a 5k+ word day, I think!

Just Watch Rogue One

I won't put any spoilers here, but I loved the film. Fantastic movie!

I do want to touch, very briefly, with the fact that the movie had a female protagonist, and an hispanic protagonist. And two Chinese ones. And an Arabic one. This makes me *extremely* happy! Disney has been doing a great job at this, and I really hope they keep it up!

Anyway, that's all for now. Go see it if you haven't! It's fantastic!