And We're Back!

2023 is fading rapidly in the rearview mirror, and 2024 is upon us like a swarm of rabid boars. Nothing terrible has happened yet (in fact, I had quite a relaxing day today, overall), but I’m not letting my guard down for a few days yet.

Either way, I survived the holidays (such as they were) and am ready to jump back into the swing of things. I’m almost ready to start shooting the opening crawl of the series (it won’t actually be an opening crawl, but you know what I mean), and the novel is poised and ready for me to dive back into editing.

It’s an exciting and busy and terrifying time. What can ya do.

And without the constant barrage of work the holidays bring (working at a game store to pay my bills is an adventure around this time of year), I should be able to get back up to my 3x a week posting schedule! And the novel should be available by March, and the short movie should be done around the same time (assuming I can get the voice actors recorded!).

So until next I post in a few days: best wishes for a healthy and happy new year to all of you. Thanks so much for reading my little corner of the internet.