It's Been One Week Since You Looked At Me...

“Threw your arms in the air and said I’m crazy…”
Ah, Barenaked Ladies. Truly a Canadian cornerstone of rock. Anyway, it has been a full week since I’ve posted, but there hasn’t been a tonne of new and exciting to post about.

Got my novel back. Talked to Christine about it, received some very useful feedback (and it was nice to finally meet her! We’ve been working together for 8 years now… not quite since the very beginning, but very close). Plus she had a chance to show off her beautiful home in PEI. Really, win-win.

But since then I’ve been stuck on other artistic pursuits, rather than my writing, in an effort to pay for my writing! The story of my life, really. But I’ll get back to the novel… probably this weekend, actually. And then I’ll finish up that fourth draft, and then that goes back to Christine for a once-over, and then into all y’all hands! Woo!

So just because I’m not posting, doesn’t mean things aren’t happening!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!