Finishing Edits Today!

At least that’s the plan. Halfway (more!) through the month, and I have to finish these sooner than later or they’re just never going to get done.

Thankfully, no big plans today other than to edit, so that should be fine. I can usually get a tonne of work done when I just put my head down and do it without too many interruptions.

Plus, I have coffee. That usually helps a lot.

Anyway! Nothing else really exciting. No word yet from the artist, and if they don’t get back to me in a few days I’m going to have to go with a fallback plan, but that’s okay either way. It will work out! All part of the progress.

Urgh. Part of the PROCESS. Yeah, that’s the kinda day I’ve been having.

Hope everyone is having a great winter! The cold weather has hit southern Ontario pretty hard, but that’s okay… I love writing on cold days like this.