Still Editing, And Other Truisms.

Well, I’m on Chapter 17, which is good… over halfway done. No word from the cover artist yet (they said they would work on a couple concept sketches, and we’d go from there, but they’re still well within timeline), but that’s okay. Plenty of time still, considering my editing pace!

Today I have a trip to talk to an academic advisor about my education goals, which I’m looking forward to, and other than that, just a lot of writing/editing work that needs doing. I think I can probably get the novel finish today… or next week at the latest (down to only 1 day off a week at this stage due to working at a game store to pay for my writing).

Other than that, got a rejection from… February. Wow. I forgot it had been that long. Well, whatever. This isn’t the story, just a different agent I approached at the suggestion of an author I know, so fingers are still crossed for that novel, but it’s been a long time for that one too. Such is the way it goes, I suppose? Either way, no hard feelings, and hopefully I can find an agent (or my books can find their audience, or both!) before too much longer. We shall see, we shall see.

It’s very snowy outside today, so I hope everyone out there is enjoying the weather more than I am!