Art for Art's Sake

I love making the art I make. I love writing the most, but I also love my painting and films (and music, if we’re going deeper into the art I do purely for self-joy).

But not a lot of people read the novels I’ve written (yet). And the movie I’ve made has only been seen a few dozen times (and I’m going to have to give a serious think about leaving it up once I start doing more of them, since it has swearing and some… questionable… choices about shot composition and lighting). Do I do this art for myself, or for others?

Obviously the answer is “yes,” since I do it for both, but at this stage it’s probably true that it’s more personal than anything else. I would like for it to be more widely spread (specifically to the tune of about 10,000 copies per novel per year… piece of cake, right? That’s basically the equivalent of being a Canadian Best Seller for 5 weeks in a row, for each book).

For now, I have to enjoy the process, because there isn’t really a lot else going for me. But hopefully soon.

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!