Back to Once A Week, Apparently?

December falls like a tonne of bricks at my house. It’s not my favourite time of year, it’s among my least favourite weather, and everything is just… worse… until around February. Nothing I can do about it, just buckle down and do my best until it passes.

One of the side-effects is the inability to post here as often. I’m going to focus a bit harder in the next couple weeks, try to keep my strength up and my output consistent, but it’s definitely tricky.

Oh well. Work on the stop motion movie is still moving forward (ha), and that’s nice, and I’ve finished all the most pressing “Other Stuff” I have to complete for the season. I think we might even dodge the horrible “Your brother is coming sometime but we don’t know when but be ready to drop everything the moment he does” dance we usually do, since this year he seems less… awful. We’ll see if that holds out.

Anyway! Moral of the story is that there will be more than weekly posts again, now that I’ve sorted out the Things(tm), so thanks for your patience!

Hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy!