Other, Sorta Related News!

Well, it’s official… as of right now, I am returning to university in January 2020!

I’ll be attending Laurier (one of two universities in Waterloo, just north of me) for English. I’m not 100% on what exactly I’ll be taking in January just yet (I mean… aside from the obvious “English Courses”, d’uh), but I intend to spend some time this week and next studying what I should be studying (ha) and working towards figuring out a timetable that works with my writing, my other job, and my life goals.

Still! Part-time studies are a nice step towards some lovely formal education, and Laurier has several courses on science fiction and speculative fiction writing (which I probably won’t get to take immediately because pre-reqs), so I’m really looking forward to working on getting into those! Plus, having an environment where I must produce specific work, even if it’s outside my specific genre, is going to be exciting!

So, there ya go. Exciting news in my world!

Less exciting but still noteworthy: I’ve been doing a lot of research and work on Marketing for my future books. I’m looking forward to start applying some simple, but hopefully effective, marketing and advertising for the new book coming out in a few weeks! And I’m definitely going to ramp up my novel output (goal previously was 1 novel a year, new goal is 4 novels a year). It’s going to be a lot of work, and I’m going to have to stop relying on the Writers Group to go through each and every chapter for feedback because I just won’t have time for that, but that’s okay! They can still help me polish and improve my work (just like I hope I do the same for them!), just not as thoroughly as they’re helping these days!

Okay, so there we go. Lots of news! Much of it exciting. Most of it terrifying. Yay!